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Are you experiencing any of these recruitment and training challenges?
Poor skills: Candidates skills are lacking, but their personality is a great fit
Poor brand knowledge: Candidates don’t research the company thoroughly enough to know what our business does. Our interviews are time wasting
Poor quality of CVS: Candidates don’t have the right skills we need nor are a good fit for us
Remote training of new staff is a challenge
Training reporting is poor: The business is unclear who has taken the training courses offered or has no induction training available electronically
Good recruitment and training are essential for business success. To reach the next level, your business needs skilled and motivated individuals. OTT can support your growth by providing comprehensive GDS training, skills training, product training, and private induction training. Our courses can be seamlessly integrated into your intranet, or we can develop a custom academy for you. Additionally, you can advertise your job openings on one of OTT’s relevant training courses.
Team up with OTT to help unlock the training and recruitment solution
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